Saturday, September 13, 2014


I have been on some kind of mental writing hiatus for a minute now.  It’s kind of agitating actually.  I have no desire to write and even when I think I got the jonz to do it, I can’t think of anything that can creatively hold my attention long enough.

I really wanted to talk about what I have deemed as “The Mike Brown Project”.  It was/is such a controversial time for the U.S. of A.  It was a moment where hidden racism was exposed and people that actually had the audacity to think that racism no longer existed were forced to face reality.   Now of course we all know this is not the first incident where a police officer……an officer that has been sworn to protect all American citizens, have over-stepped, racially profiled, or used bad judgement. 

Sometimes I wonder if that police officer actually has any regrets or remorse for what he did.  I’m sure he regrets it from all of the tragedy and rioting that followed that single act, but internally/humanly does he really feel bad for killing an unarmed Black man?  After all it seems that the world is against us and for the extinction of the Black race.

I know some people will say “whatever” and “I’m tripping”, but really let’s just take it to the yard!  Let’s touch on just TWO of my favorite shows:  Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy.  These are some pretty awesome shows.  The writing on both of these bad boys is phenom!  And the acting is just as awesome.  But one thing that I have noticed is within both story lines, the Black race is always the race that no one and I mean NO ONE really wants to bother with.  We, the Black race, are treated like an infestation, a disease, or someone you don’t even want to be seen in public with.  The respect for the Black man and his skill and effort is so minimal.  We’re not trusted on a business level nor are we truly respected on an authority level.   Now if art imitates life or vice versa, is it safe to say that this is currently the subliminal mind state of America?

Now this brings me back to reality and our present state as a country.  It seems that the Black life isn’t valued.  One could argue that it’s because we don’t value ourselves and I can’t debate and/or refute that statement.  Because on some kind of level, I believe this to be true.  But please believe there is enough blame to go around!   When you have people in authoritative positions that don’t respect human life, regardless of the skin color, then we have a problem.  When you have a government that builds on greed and free labor, then we have a problem.  When you have an overall system that is so corrupt and politically incorrect that dogs are given more respect than humans, than PEOPLE WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!

I am Black.  I am a human being.  I have blood in my body.  I have a heartbeat.  I have a uterus and fallopian tubes, two ears, two eyes, lips, nose…..a brain!  I am not an animal, I am not ¾ human, I am not illiterate or incapable.  I am not a work horse or a slave.   My true history is unknown because it was erased from me.  My bloodline has been infiltrated by an unknown assailant.  My great grandfather is white, but I’ll never know who he is, who my cousins are, who my “other” family is.  Even if I did….find them.  Would I be accepted into their fold?

I am Black.  And I am hated for no reason at all.  I’m not respected not because of anything that I’ve done but, because my ancestors were raped, beaten, and trained to be inferior.  There are White people walking around right now that hate US because their master owned our ancestors and they feel a kind of inhumane privilege over us.  There are other races that look down on US not because we have done anything but because of what history has programmed them to believe that we are not the kings, queens, and diplomats that we once were.  It's safe to say that the world believes that WE ARE INFERIOR. 

The question is…..When will we as a people stop believing it?

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