Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I know I just posted a blog last night but I'm totally feeling it right now!  I don't completely have my mojo back, but I'm definitely feeling good about whatever weird direction my mind has me going.
So there has been a question/scenario thats been probing social media for a few weeks now.  There was this picture, of a woman down on one knee, proposing to her man....I'm assuming this was her man.  This photo got a lot of attention and had everyone asking if the man was in fact demasculinized because the woman seemed to have taken the initiative and took the man role. 
I personally am torn about this scenario.  Mainly because as a woman, I salute her confidence and initiative to go for what she wants.  BUT on the other end I can't help but wonder the dynamic of their relationship.  Who exactly is the dominant one?  The aggressor?  Not to mention that in the picture the guy either was taken aback by her boldness (which is possible) or he got a lil broke wrist flavored sugar in his tank.  But aside from the obvious, what is this pic saying about society? 
Let's be honest, this isn't the first time that a woman has proposed to a man.  I can't confirm whether this is a regular occurence, but my thoughts say what makes this case so profound is her actually taking the man role of submission and getting down on one knee.  I can't stop thinking about singer Pink, and her proposal to now husband/sometimes separated/may be divorced and baby daddy, Carey Hart.  She proposed to him on a dirt bike track, with a sign that said WILL YOU MARRY ME!  And honestly I thought it was the most random and romantic thing I've seen.  In Pink's case the fact that we had an idea of her liberated personality and a little of the back story that led to the proposal may of swayed the hearts of the conservative woman/man.  And at the end of the day she didn't get down on one knee!!!  Does that one knee kneal really make a difference???  I say YES IT DOES!
The issue isn't that she asked for his hand in marriage in verbal terms, but in physical terms she demonstrated the act of submitting to him.  Don't us women submit enough when it comes to a relationship or to men period?  We are human beings and have animalistic instinct just like our male counterparts.  But we are trained by women and taught by women to deny ourselves of certain instincts and enhance other traits that we possess like the art of nurturing, the skill of listening, the power of discipline, and the mind fuck of SUBMISSION.  So why oh why must we take away yet another area where a man publicly submits and confesses his love to the woman he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with....why must we strip him of that?
Haven't women taken away enough from men?  Haven't we given them enough passes?  Traded in our aprons for briefcases?  Women have proven that we can do it too!  We have proven that if we want, we too can be independent.  Time has proven and continues to prove that we have a voice and it matters.  So why take away yet another form of responsibility of the man?
Is this a big deal?  No, not really.  But overall this defines the direction our society seems to be teeter-tottering in on accident but on purpose.  Role reversal is happening people and women are becoming more comfortable in men roles and it appears that men are becoming more comfortable letting us.
As stated above, I don't know the dynamics of their relationship.  Who knows, he could've proposed to her a 100 times and got rejected.  She could've cheated and she is fighting to get his love back.  He could have an issue with rejection and she did what she had to do to reassure him.  You just never know the situation, but a picture is worth a thousand words.
It's great to have rights and exercise them when needed.  It's great to be liberated and live the life you want to live and not the cookie cutter version of what ya momma and ya grandma tried to program into you.  It's great to know that you have the power and voice to be totally independent.  It's great to have the confidence to take what you want.  BUT too much of a good thing is bad for your health.  
At the end of it all, it's all about what makes you happy.  Do you!  Just make sure you can wear the shoes you picked out.  You may be walking in them for a while.   

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