Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Okay so it’s been a few weeks.   My how time flies when you are on the grind.  I swear the 4th of July was last week.  But I went to sleep and woke up and it’s the wee hours of the 29th.  I decided to take a break from my rigorous schedule to take a deep breath, have a glass of Cab, and rock out to Marsha Ambrosia.  Now I can only take this sister in doses so I guess this is her time to shine with me!!!  But I think it’s her lil boy toy on this album that really got me listening.  He pops in just when I’m about to cut her yodolin’ ass off!!!  Anyhoo…..enough about that.  So I’ve been thinking about where I want to go with this blog tonight.  I’m attempting to pull from my current experience but I was interrupted from my blogging by an interesting conversation with a very intriguing gentleman.  And I emphasize GENTLEMAN.

I’m going to let this guy….who is currently laying in my bed (no sex in the champagne room), drinking a beer and telling me that he knows women better than I think he does.  So I’m typing via him talking.  And he is probing the question….WHAT IS SEX????

Him: Sex makes you feel good….it can also make you feel bad.  Even if it’s great.

Me:  This nigga is drunk!!!!

Him: I’ve seen it all, done it all, and heard it all…from the “oooh I shouldn’t be doing this”…to the, “Is this all you want from me?” To the, “This is the best sex I’ve ever had.”…I wish I knew.  I swear I feel like I love you, but when the liquor wears off, I feel different. 

Me:  Well ain’t that a bitch!

Him:  But I think a part of me wants to love you.  But there’s an even bigger part that wants attention. 

Me:  oooooooooooh shit!!!!

Him:  And I think that’s where the fellow man and I have failed.  Everybody wants to be the man, but not everybody wants to be A MAN.  I truly believe that my daughters have changed me.  I see them and I see……..beauty.  But I look at my past and I see pain….NOW!!!! I’m getting too old for this shit. 

Me: He says as he chugs down a beer.  

Him: I just want someone who loves me, my daughters, and supports my dreams.  But I’m fucking petrified that karma will come back for me.  With that being said, when things go good I push her away.  At this age (26) I don’t think I can afford heartbreak.  Though it’s ironic because I’ve caused a lot. 
In my head I’ve created the perfect woman.  She’s beautiful, fashionable, God-fearing, nurturing, ambitious, loyal, but most of all she’s a FREAK!!!....

Me:  Oh shit I’m hollin!!!  Didn’t see that one coming.

Him: I pray that one day I find her or maybe she’ll find me.  I truly am tired of living like this…..
I will leave you with this, if ALL I do is make you cum…..then why would you stay?  That’s all I do is make you cum….I don’t feed you mentally, I don’t even take out the trash, I don’t take care of your kids…all I do is make you cum.  Sex is a skill.  It can be improved, anyone can get better at it the more they do it.  That’s all that it is.   Women think it’s all about sex.  I don’t even think women…PEOPLE think it’s all about sex.  But sex is always and always will be just a PLUS! 


How many times have we, women, heard this kind of honesty/truth/realness from a man, regardless of age, and we refuse it as gospel?  Or we claim that we hear him (which we probably do), but we don’t LISTEN, or even change our way of thinking or how we act?  It’s almost like we are just waiting for him to finish so that we can tell him how wrong he is or tell him what a man really is, or how a man really thinks?  I know that I myself have been guilty of this. 

I think in all that both men and women want the same things and yet fear the same things.  Leave a comment and tell me what you think about his perspective.

Until next time. 

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