Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Single Woman Desperately Seeking a Dating in the Church Bylaws Manual....

New year.  New font.  But I'm still the same single. 

Hello all and welcome to 2014!!!!  This is the time where promises are made,

 only to be broken on January 2nd, 

and commitments are made

only to be a no call/no show on the day of reckoning. 

 This year for me however, is the beginning of all things!  I'm transitioning right now.  New city, new wheels, new hallway to walk down, and new job to hate in the future << Hopefully this won't be the case.  This is also my transition into a different approach to dating.

This is going to get a little controversial *sighs*

How many people are old enough to remember this cover?  Loved it!!!!
I've always heard men say to other men that you can always find a good woman in church. 

But weirdly so, I haven't heard a lot of women make that same suggestion towards other women in regards to where to find good men. 

Now various things could account for this.  The ratio of men to women. 

The age of the men in the church.  I mean let's face it, there is one helluva gap!  You got ya babies and then ya got ya elders.  

The social statuses of the in 30+ men in the church.  Honestly, half the men that are legal to drive either come to church with their mothers, wives or are invited by a chic who someday hopes to join the first wives club.  And.....well....although I haven't experienced this a lot in my church residencies, some may say the sexual preferences of some of the men may not be the preference of a woman.

With all of this being taken into account even in church, the single, 30+ man once again has the upper hand with a plethora of sometimes saved and sometimes sanctified options!  He has his pickings from the Sis. Lustys of the church (inside joke)

Sorry Meagan but.........
all the way to the formal Pentecostal bench warmer who didn't get the memo that colored lip gloss is allowed. 

It's a preference thing for him really and if he so chooses he can praise and worship his way right into some desperately seeking a God-fearing man, woman's panty drawer.  It's sad. But it's real, and it is happening.

Slightly off the subby >>> Speaking of dating and the church, how does one flirt in church or ask for someone's number?  When do you flirt?  During meet and greet?  And how do you know he/she is feeling you?  Do they hug you a certain way or hold you in the small of your back?  Is it more like a chest hug and is it tighter than the usual "church" hug?  Do you slightly grind during the hug (noticeable to only you two of course)?  Do you flirt at all?  Or do you keep your eyes straight forward and resist the urge to bat an eye?

Back on the saddle!  I'm learning that there are men, in the church, that only want to have sex!  I know, I know....shocker!  There are men in the church who still speak pimp, accept only now they use the power of prayer and take advantage of the exposure that takes place inside the holy walls. 

It has been confirmed that attending church, volunteering at church, praising and worshipping, passing out, and paying tithes does not change the character, purpose, or intentions of any person.  That is totally up to the individual.  Women included! 

If you were a ho in the streets and you bring that inside of the church, the holy walls can't change you!  Just like a wolf.  The holy walls just provide sheeps clothing, but if you pay attention, you can still see it's teeth. 

So as women, how are we to govern ourselves when dating and church cohabitate?  Do we hold these men up to the same low standards as we do players in these mean skreets, or do we set them on pedestals because of their spiritual relationship? 

Something to ponder on while you are working on that new year body, new year spirituality, and all around new you!!!!

Until next time..............

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