Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's RAINING MEN, HALLELUJAH IT'S...WAIT!!!!!...Where's my umbrella??

Sitting here chillin, enjoying my high calorie salad and I come across this pretty cool show on CBS called, MOM. 

This is my first time actually checking this show out, but from what I can tell, it's about a young woman with 2 children who lives with her mother (go figure minus the 2 chiren). In this episode her character, much like me, decided to withhold from sex for a period of time.  She's been dating this guy for like 3 months and he invites her to a wedding.  Of course they are going to be sharing a hotel room and of course she hasn't exactly told him that she isn't down with "the sex" at this time so hence where the plot thickens and the comedy begins. Isn't that usually where the plot thickens and the unscripted comedy begins? 

I try to find the right words to say, because just saying "I'm celibate" just seems like a total record scratcher. 

So when exactly is the right time to tell a guy or gal, that you are refraining from "the sex"?  Do you mention it before the first date, during the first date, in the text convo, or do you make an announcement via social network and hope they see your post???? 

And then when they decide not to call you post your announcement, how should one feel?  Do you feel rejected or do you feel proud because you held up the blood stain banner???


Well I tell you what, I'm post rejection and I'm feeling....well....kind of rejected! 

Calm down kitty!

To make it so bad, it's a guy that I know.  Not some random stranger, I mean who gives two shits what they think?...unless he was crazy cute and the chemistry was off the chaaaaaaaaaaain...but okay back to reality.  He's a throwback (that's what I call former tenants of the cathouse).  He popped up like Waldo in a family picture and as usual, he blended right on in!

The convo was great, the chemistry.....grrreat!  Finishing each other's sentences, perfect comedy timing.......

But let me stop getting all sentimental like ANY of that matters, because at the end of the day, this mutha mutha hasn't answered my phone calls since I voided his long standing coochie coupon!  I mean I'm kind of in denial at this point.  I keep calling him, and calling him like okay....maybe his phone didn't ring,you know how SPRINT do ya.  Or maybe he meant to call me back, but forgot, so let me remind him. Or okay maybe he has a girlfriend now, so in that case am I being disrespectful??? Even though I'm totally ignoring the fact that he threw me the dinkle.  Or how about this maybe, just maybe he doesn't want to talk to me!!  And after day 2 of being hit with the nameless voicemail I think I've concluded that I've been REJECTED all because of my choice to abstain from sex!

This rode can be a lonely one when you just want some affection that isn't the homegirl high five or your homeboy hitting you with the church rub!  I just want to chill and tuck my feet up under someone.  But when your thirst can be flicked on with the slightest compliment and you find reasons to bend over in front of a brother.  Maybe its best to just role solo! 

Next week....same time, saaaaaaaaame place!!!


  1. I considered myself celibate when I was waiting for my man (a committed man) to come along, I was not actually waiting on "marriage". However, during my celibacy, I found that "hooking" guys for my pure enjoyment (selfish, I know) was the best for me. Hell, they do things like this to us, right!? Become a friend, flirt, enjoy time and get them hooked all the while they would HOPE that they would get some. I did preface each friendship with "I'm not ready to have sex" or "I just don't give the cookies to just anyone", and of course, "why do you think you should get it so easily, chicks these day have spoiled you". Regardless, I tried to not use the "celibate" word...which seems to freak guys out. It's the hope that one day, they will get some, that keeps them coming back. And if they don't.....whatever, if he doesn't want to wait the time for me to be comfortable giving myself up, he isn't worth the time wasted figuring out if he was "the one".

  2. I can totally feel you on this one Jamie! I think that's where I'm at with it. Just testing my mojo and seeing how deep the rabbit hole really goes when sex isn't involved! I can say that I'm actually enjoying myself.

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