How you doin? *in my Wendy Williams voice*. I saw this meme, I won't say it was an article, because that would make it factual, and making it factual would mean there is a level of truth to it. And because we are in the cut/paste era of the internet, I'm just going to call it as I saw it....a meme (meem, mim, mee mee....whatever your verbal palette prefers).
Anyway the meme was a picture of Deray Davis and two very attractive women. Below the picture it says SALTUE to Deray Davis who is photographed with BOTH of his girlfriends. Deray decided that he didn't want to cheat on neither woman nor leave neither woman, so he decided to be honest.
He has reported that the relationship is going GREAT and he does plan on wifing both women.
I posted this meme on my fb page and I got somewhat mixed reviews. And not in the way one would think. People understood the notion of polygamy, but most expressed they wouldn't be able to handle it. Whether it be for emotional, financial, or mental stability reasons. One person even said that it would take a very strong woman to be in something like this. In my mind, I thought it wasn't a question of weak or strong but of provision and emotional neediness. But I'm not here for the debate of polygamy. At the end of the day, I believe you do what works for you. If openly sharing a man works for you then by all means wait your turn.
I can't say that is my cup of tea. But then I have to stop myself and wonder......if my needs are being met, then would I really mind? Is it possible for a man to share himself with multiple women and have the mental and spiritual strength to feed her non-physical needs and not to mention the viagra/cialis prescription to meet the physical? Because I don't know how every other woman rocks, but my sexual appetite has only
INCREASED <<< all caps and in bold.
But then I got to thinking. Stepping out of the conventional box that we have been raised in, what's wrong with being happy? At the end of the day that is what we all strive to be, and happiness is unique to each individual. If the man I am involved with, notice I didn't hold claim to him nor did I give my own self a title, gives me everything I need (spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially) then am I wrong for staying around if he sleeps with other women besides me? What if I don't care if he does? How does that song go, "Friends are always telling me, you're a user...I don't care what about those other girls, just be good to me...ooooooooh" ~s.o.s
I've heard the question posed many times, Do All Men Cheat? And most of the answers are, you guessed it, YES! But that is a big monkey to put on men as a whole. I would like to think that all men have a little dog in them, that its just in their DNA, that in biblical times or before electricity was introduced that men practiced polygamy as a culture. And a lot of cultures still practice this custom today. I would like to ride with men just can't help it. But then I meet that diamond in the rough. That loves his wife unconditionally and would do everything to keep her happy.
And then the popular answer would be null and void. Then this falsified scientific analysis proves to be just what it sounds excuse...and a load of bullshit. Do I think its disloyal for a man to sleep with multiple women? Not if all parties know. Do I think its stupid for a woman to be sexually loyal to a man that sleeps with multiple women? Not at all. If she's happy. And I mean truly happy. Not happy like waiting for him to get the hint and come to his senses, but happy at her own terms. Whether the tide turns her way or not. Besides, not every woman sleeps around. Some women are loyal to that one dinkle and will literally ride it out!
In conclusion, before this epidemic becomes a false religious spectacle and men start feeding women the line about WWJD and taking it back to the old school.....stop and think ladies how will it benefit YOU? In this time, unlike the other, we now have options as women. We don't have to be bought and sold like property. We no longer have to marry into provision (when in fact that is what they were doing) women now create provision. We don't have to be miserable!! What are you getting out of the deal?
If a man wants to share his dick and expects you not to share your lockbox, what kind of guarantee is he putting in place? What kind of payment plan do you have him on? You can't give him the key to your sacred place for free just because he has good dinkle, he's nice looking, appears to have money, appears to be a good ma'am. If he's such a good catch require him to pay like he prefers to lay, and he prefers you to cook, and rub his back, and stroke that ego of his. Its your boat! Make sure you are the captain and not a crew mate!