Okay so I'm back. I had to step away for a few and find my dayum happy!!! Sheesh....I was frustrating my daggone self. But sometimes you just have to get that stuff out. It does no justice and it makes you no more stronger to hold all of that crap in and suffocate yourself from the inside out. I myself find it quite therapeutic. But every vent session needs a "sit yo ass down and get it together" moment. And I had to go ahead and have that come to Jesus meeting with myself for a few weeks.
Anyhoo....back to the fun and back to life!!!! When life is good, it is oh sooooo good, but when it's bad, you gotta learn how to stick, move, and protect ya rib cage. That brings me back to the DECODING portion of my SINGLE MENTALITY rant! And that brings me to my next tip....
So on my down time you know I staaaayed in front of the television. I mean I watched Wendy Williams, Divorce Court, TMZ, LHHATL....etc., you name it and I could probably catch you up on what was the goinz on of ratchet t.v. But what I picked up on and had to ask myself was what about me did I need to change???
We are so quick to point a finger and read someone else. We have all of the advice in the world when it comes to another person's lifestyle choices and/or situations. We know EXACTLY what we would've done had it been us in that situation or what WE would do if we had all of that money. But the real question we should be asking ourselves is what are we doing with ourselves now? Everyone has problems. No one is above them, and everyone has enough going on in their lives to where they really don't need to be focused on how another eats, sleeps, and shits...but we do it anyway.
For the first few weeks, like everyone else I was caught up in ratchet world (still am). I ate my popcorn, drank my wine and waved my finger at the television talking about how these heauxs ain't loyal! Subconsciously I was being passive aggressive about my own situation. I didn't know how to deal with my own shit, so I figured I'd play Dr. Philomena to someone else's. But as time progressed on, and my situation got progressively worse, I really had to look deeper into ratchet world and realize I had the same problem as these characters.....I needed re-tweaking.
We often pray and/or hope for a better life. But seldom do most of us get out of our own daggone way in order to have what we hope and pray for. We become stagnant to redundant actions. I say stagnant instead of complacent, content, comfortable, or appeased because those terms equate to a level of happiness. Stagnant is stale, stuck, lazy, passive, dormant, DEAD! We become so dead to walking in circles that our bodies and our minds just do it! And living our lives vicariously through other individuals feeds this pig. I realized that this was me. Full of hopes, dreams, destiny, purpose, but unwilling to sacrifice my comfortable mentality. So used to hoping and doing just enough and not used to pushing harder and taking the necessary steps. That could be my lifetime. Just falling into situations and living on what I could've been or who I used to be. That is scary! So comfortable with who I had become....smh
I've used the phrase so many times before that "I'm so many things to so many people"....this isn't a bad phrase, but I had to stop and ask myself who I was to me??? And did I want to be that person? And if so, how do I change that? How do I re-tweak that. This plays into the most simplest things in life. For these last few months, it never crossed my mind to re-tweak my dayum resume. Never did. This guy and I were chopping it up while I was getting my oil changed. Random convo of course. He mentions how he just got this job and how he had to change up his resume a bit. That's when I swear that Jesus hit me over the head with a hammer and said "Dufus this is what I've been trying to drill in your head...CAN YA HEAR ME NOW?"

Being single...we pray for what we want, but do we prepare and position ourselves for what we want? Do we fix what needs to be fixed? Do we change out what needs to be changed out? Remember....we have to be what the other person wants too! We can't just be out chea living life as a 5 and expecting a 10 to meet us where we at....Not saying that it can't happen but why not be your best for someone? Why wait for someone to come and make you better? If you know what you need to do, then why not start making the necessary moves?
I say time and time again that we have to break bad habits and form good habits that will cause people that we need and want in our lives to be attracted and allured by the light we provide. Well I don't say it time and time again, but best believe that I'm going to start now that I'm living it.
Most of the time we have to start from the inside. Our actions/choices outside are usually a manifestation of what we have going on in the inside. Sometimes it's necessary to break down our old belief systems and foundations; and rebuild a stronger, better, life lasting one. And sometimes it takes for you to lose everything you thought was holding you together. Re-tweaking your relationship with Jesus may be necessary too....Hey the preacha in me said it....NOT ME lol...
Keep it live and keep it sexy.....until next week!!!!
Thanks for rockin!!!
****Oh and I noticed that google has done something with my daggone pics.....NOT COOL!!!....so I may have to think of some more visuals to bring balance to my long-wind-ed-ness.....stay tuned!!