Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Wow okay...so I guess it was meant to be on some level.  I wrote an entry last week and had every intention of coming back to it....but Google said No Ma'am!!! You snooze you lose I guess.  Oh well, I wasn't feeling like that anymore anyway.  I still may touch on the content of that entry though.  

I took yet another week off.  Not because my life is so awesome and I just don't have the time...actually it's quite the opposite.  

There's only so much that one can find to talk about on a weekly period regarding sex she isn't having.  I can drool over my man crushes,

complain about calls I don't receive,

and continue to make my booty jump in the mirror.

**the exercises are working by the way ;)** 

But it gets old and really who cares. It's like watching a rerun over and over again!

So as you all can see I'm in a place.  Not a bad place, just a place.  Almost like a crossroads.  I see where I was and I'm definitely not trying to go back there, but I don't see where I'm going.  I guess this is my road less traveled.  So I got full grown weeds and bushes and trees n shit to fight through.  Hope I don't fall in a ditch or twist an ankle trying to be strong and what not.  

Does every man deserve a chance just because he is a 'good guy'?  I'm changing my attraction radar and opening myself to other types of men that I may of missed because I was chasing the other guy that really didn't want me, but I told myself that he did, but in truth he just liked how I walked or how my lips moved when I talked....oh sorry got off the subby.  But really.  When can I stop scribbling off things on my ideal man?  

And before anyone starts the prayer circle, let's establish that God-fearing is already in the equation. But that's not where options should stop.  Just because he love the Lord doesn't mean he's not a snake in the grass.  Sorry holy rollers, my momma didn't raise a fool in Jesus, she raised a grown woman in Jesus and you can't quote me a scripture and call me Mary!  

Moving forward.  I enjoy attention...but there is a thing as too much!  I don't need a guy that is thirstier than me for no good reason.  Like he's aggressively pursuing me and I'm mildly responding to his advances.  There needs to be a balance.  Fellas you can put on your track shoes to get your chase on, but just make sure you don't pass her in the process.

Finally...well not finally but all I'm saying on this entry.  What about physical attraction? Should that be something that is overlooked once you are 30+ and single as the day is long? Should I just wish for really, really, really dark movie theatres, restaurants, and bedrooms?  What about personality and character?  Should I just throw those ideals in the ocean of youmissedtheboat.com just because he love Jesus and his momma?  I'm not even going to get on kids!  I'll save that for an entire entry! 

All I know is I want to be happy being who I am and I want to feel the same way about someone else!  I want him to love every part of me and not try and make me into what he thinks I should be because my dreams don't match his reality.  It's time to make my dreams a reality.  Not for him....but for me!  That's going to be my new boo!

Until next time folks. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So I took a vacay last week from blogging.  I figured I wanted to enjoy my turkey day too and chill with my fam and friends without thinking about how my phone wasn't ringing, or why I didn't get that text.....oh but I did get the text!

...but it was an 'oh I forgot, but I thought about you' kind and then I have to act all Kool Mo Dee style like I'm not affected.  And honestly I'm to the point in this whole process that I'm not.....completely.

My guards are falling in some places and rising in other places.  Almost like a shift in balance type of situation.  Oh and ONE thing that I have definitely discovered is that the chase is oh so real!!!  You just have to be willing to lose or win in a sense depending on how you look at it. 

ALLOW ME TO BRIEFLY EXPLAIN: What I mean is that you have to be willing to accept that if/when a man pursues you for "the sex", and that may not be completely what he's all about or thinks you're about, but he's sexually attracted to you.  You have to be willing to accept that he may stop chasing you when you hit him with the "no sex in the champagne room" conversation.  This basically means that he may stop giving you attention/time/phone calls/texts.  That doesn't mean that your perfume didn't work, your cooking was bad, convo was whack, or you aren't worth the effort. It could just simply mean that.......drum roll please.....he just stopped chasing you! BOOM!!!!

How do I take it you ask?  Well I used to take it as rejection, and I'm not going to front, I still do in a sense but the fact that he didn't get to see the color of my panties kind of makes my heart pitter patter. 

Nothing like having a winning hand but playing your joker too soon!  That's some spades terminology.  If you don't know how to play just ask one of your black friends that went to college.  They can guide you.

But as usual, I get thirsty from time to time.  This morning I had a thought about this guys lips.  I could've just kept the thought to myself, but I had to text and tell him.  What did I expect to get out of that???? Possibly some freaky back and forth to feed my inner horny maybe? But instead I got a smiley face!!!!! The fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug!  But it was definitely for the best.  Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy I tell ya!

The saga continues next week!